Creation of a media outlet | Creación de un medio digital
24th July 2024
Creation and editorial direction of a digital feminist media outlet: Manifiesta Media
In 2020 I co-founded MANIFIESTA MEDIA, an independent digital media with a feminist focus, and pioneer in this type of journalism in Colombia, with an emphasis in digital storytelling. Over four years, we were able to cultivate an audience of more than 100,000 followers with real stories about women and LGBTIQ+ people in the country. We do research, reports, analysis, opinion, video and new digital narratives with a feminist focus in Colombia.
En 2020 cofundé MANIFIESTA MEDIA, un medio digital independiente con enfoque feminista, pionero en este tipo de periodismo en Colombia, con un énfasis especial en narrativas digitales. A lo largo de cuatro años hemos cultivado una audiencia de más de 100,000 seguidores con historias reales sobre mujeres y personas LGBTIQ+ en el país. Hacemos Investigación, reportajes, análisis, opinión, video y nuevas narrativas digitales con enfoque feminista en Colombia.